La Min­ima was, in the late Six­ties, a small, but for the city of Turin essen­tial, enter­prise in the world of art. Located in the heart of Turin in Piazza San Carlo, its owner Elio Quaglino, together with his daugh­ter Giu­liana, often sup­ported emerg­ing artists, many of whom were headed for noto­ri­ety, while oth­ers nev­er­the­less left an indeli­ble, emo­tional mark.

La Min­ima Art e-​motion redis­cov­ers this mark, so that art can con­tinue to unceas­ingly elicit emo­tions. And to show it, it chooses an infor­mal, neu­tral, almost pro­fane set­ting: the Dock Hotel, not acci­den­tally a sym­bol of the his­tory of Turin.

Turin has its warhorses, in terms of mod­ern and specif­i­cally con­tem­po­rary art, and from these we develop a par­al­lel con­ver­sa­tion — a chat among friends, if you will — an infor­mal tour of a small exhi­bi­tion, a mir­ror of the major art venues in the city.

A promi­nent fig­ure in the art world once said “the work of art exists only if some­one sees it”. La Min­ima begins from this premise with the aim of giv­ing art life, sim­ply by show­ing it, in a space both pub­lic and acces­si­ble, so that every­one may have a seat at the table… for each and every­one to dis­cuss, and live as they wish (as in Luigi Pirandello’s “Cosi’ è, se vi pare”). Through this pas­sion­ate yet friendly approach, far from the halls of art doc­trine and busi­ness, La Min­ima wants to grow, func­tion­ing as a ves­sel to mix the expe­ri­ences and con­nec­tions of art fans the world over, work­ing in a space that “mixes styles” and com­pe­tences, where the expert and the ama­teur are equal before the work of art.

To do so we chose an uncon­ven­tional space, a pas­sage­way, where the scenery changes con­stantly because the peo­ple change, they move, grow: what bet­ter place than a hotel to open that door­way to emotion?

Turin Gate 0199 wants to be that door­way, that peek at the world of art, where the lan­guage is made of emo­tions, “dirt­ied” by the expe­ri­ence of every­one who takes part, and speaks directly to the soul. In other words, we show you the art, you do as you wish.

We open the door­way: you only have to step inside.